Friday, March 28, 2008

Ever Been Rickrolled?

I have a colleague (actually a few) who is obsessed with Rickrolling.

Never heard of it? Guess you're not as geeky as you thought. :)

To Rickroll is to intentionally misdirect someone to a video of Never Gonna Give You Up from 80s pop icon Rick Astley.

Tease them with a link to a supercool video or site, perhaps disguising a YouTube link with TinyURL. Your victim is served with Rick Astley doin' his blue-eyed soul thing in your face. Ha.

Anyway, the Rickster heard about it, and shared his thoughts...


And yes, I own the album above. What's it to you?

1 comment:

Melanie Seasons said...

I have no idea what you're talking about ;-)