Monday, January 07, 2008


From BoingBoing: This scary (yet nicely illustrated) graphic details the ways that high heels are incredibly bad for health, posture, and long-term prospects. But doesn't detail similar hazards for men (as an aftereffect of the women having worn heels in their presence...).

I support and encourage the wearing of high heels. To parahprase a commenter on the site, evolutionarily speaking, being sexy is more important than being comfortable.

Of course, I dig this study, but the science is WAY flawed… :)

1 comment:

dizzy said...

And you haven't even mentioned all those men who wear cuban heels!!!
Are they as bad for you?
What does Kim Jong-il think of this study?
What about special calf exercises to avoid some of the damage?
It's actually more comfortable and better for your back to wear at least a small heel rather than flats!
So people let's all be a little taller!!