Monday, January 07, 2008

.... And, they're back, Dingbats!

Yeah, I know I'm late to the game on this, but some of the late night talkers (Dave, Conan, Jay) went back on the air last week... Colbert and Stewart back tonight.

Didn't catch Jay sans WGA, but saw Dave (not bad, good Top 10 List), and Conan was excellent. Haven't watched him in awhile, but he was in TOP form on his return night. People seem to forget that he wrote for the Simpsons for years, and was an SNL writer too.

This video clip was pretty outstanding... Dig Big Red singing the Beastie's Sabotage as Edith Bunker from All In the Family. Awesome.

(if I had some time on my hands, I'd PhotoShop something cool like Edith as Conan or a Beastie, but I don't have any time on my hands)


via Gawker

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