US Weekly magazine, citing a hospital source, says Brit has been "designated a 'special needs' patient" and was under "constant watch" (suicide watch? - R). Another US Weekly source says that in the ambulance, Spears had to be restrained like a mental patient and that she "was going between laughing and hysterics."

I miss the old Brit:

Hey, Boston MS&L-er here...DBink gave me the heads up about your blog. I read this and couldn't agree more. However, as a PR vet, I will enjoy her "PR make over." She'll do Barbara Walters, maybe Oprah and talk about all the bad things she did, shed some tears, show some pics of her and the kids, etc. This is a classic example of a young kid, getting too much fame and money too quick and not having a strong support base around them to keep their head on straight. She'll eventually grow up and realize that she has to deal with her responsibilities. Then again, it could go the other way via a River Pheonix. We all don't want that, but when you have the power to do whatever you want, wherever you want, and whomever you want to do it with, there are no limitations, no boundaries. People need boundaries in their life. That's what keeps us sane and in-line. When we don't, we end up like Brit, Lohan, Hilton, etc.
Enjoy reading the blog...keep it up.
Dude when I saw "Brit" on Google Reader I was concerned. Then I clicked through and saw the pics. Spears is a mess, I don't think she'll ever have her head on straight again.
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