So I sent the following to the MS&L US Network, to show 'em all what the Digital Team could do for them... Then I got a note from our Editorial Director who advised me that I used incorrect spellings for "word-of-mouth" and "Web site". She's totally right, and I'm sometimes a Usage Nazi myself, so I'll have to do better. That said, she writes these great "Editor's Notes" which I've filed 'for future consumption', but never had -- guess I better catch up. Anyway, in the "Director's Cut":
MS&L Digital launched a unique online Word-of-Mouth campaign that we’ve been working on with the MS&L Healthcare team, in partnership with Procter & Gamble/Prilosec, the NFL and ePrize. It’s a good example of how MS&L Digital works with various teams (internally and externally) to add value to their client programs.
The “Prilosec OTC® Winning Play Giveaway” project went live seven days ago, under a short timeframe (three weeks!) with 5 teams coordinating. It offers consumers a chance to win a trip to Super Bowl XLII, among other prizes (they can register online at www.WinningPlayGiveaway.com).
To further drive participation, we’ve created the “Prilosec OTC Winning Play Giveaway” widget to remind users to play daily. Consumers are given an HTML embed code that they can copy and paste into their blog or social network profile. The widget has an entry countdown, and “send to a friend” functionality (check it out over on the left).
As of Wednesday evening, we have 7,573 people registered for the promotion, and more than 17,000 sweepstakes entries, and 10% POTC opt-in.
We’d like YOU to get involved too -- please alert all your friends who are bloggers and Facebookers and MySpacers-- it's easy to add a widget to their blog or web site!
The widget works with most webpages and can be easily added to Blogger, Wordpress, Facebook MySpace and other blogging platforms. One caveat: MS&L employees aren’t eligible to enter – sorry.
Go to this link for step-by-step instructions on how to add it to your own:
Special thanks to Britany Larsen, Damian Rintelmann (A2), Joe Guarino, Larissa Severenko, Jaclyn Buccellatto and Laura Kelly, who helped make this project go ridiculously smoothly with a lot of players involved.
(Note: I the companies mentioned above are my clients, and I work for their PR firm... )
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