Friday, February 18, 2011

WTF, dude, where’ve you been?!

Yes, yes, it’s been awhile since I last wrote. I know, I know, you’re not feeling the love, Mr. Blog, but

I’m sorry to tell you that I’ve been seeing other blogs and outlets in this time, and well, I was getting paid to do it, and I was concerned about sharing with you without upsetting my relationships with them. So I apologize, and promise to get you more storage space or something… Maybe hit ‘refresh’ a few times to stroke your ego.

I promise to make it up to you (and your sister) soon. In fact, last week was Social Media Week, and I look forward to writing some items up about whom I met and what was discussed. I also have a bunch of other things that have been bouncing around in my brain lately that I’ve been meaning to get down in writing.

So… Stay tuned.

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