You know how you always hear -- a number of times-- during a sports event on TV, "This broadcast is the sole copyright of Fox (or ABC/CBS/NBC/etc.), the NFL (or MLB/NBA/etc.), and any rebroadcast..." blah blah blah... Well, there's an interesting twist to that tonight. A blogger and her husband were surprised to see a (slightly modified) photo of their dog appear in the FOX network's "Happy Holiday" ticker during a football game. She says that someone from Fox nicked the pic from either her blog or her Flikr photostream.
And let's not forget that this is the corporation who SUED YouTube over streaming FOX content (full disclosure: I was in the employ of the House of Murdoch on the broadcast side for about 8 or so years).
Now, you and I all repurpose images that we find via Google each and every day-- and that's what these guys did. But it wasn't theirs, so they should be remunerating someone, at least according to their own rules for not allowing others to utilize their content.
Another thought: ever think of where your photos might be ending up?
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